Work efficiently
- Respond quickly and effectively to dynamic situations throughout the day.
- Follow the location and status of loads in real time.
- Follow in real time the location and status of vehicles (trucks, trailers, containers).
- Momentary reports on the distance of the truck to the loading or unloading address.
- The system indicates poor using of the operation of the vehicle /standstill without tasks/.
- Follow the location and status of loads in real time.
- Take the opportunity to plan the routes of your groupage trucks by collecting or transporting on the shortest route with the least loss of time and other costs.
- Follow the performance of the driver and the vehicle for better efficiency.
- Your vehicles are on the way, your drivers know where to go and what to do, and your customers know when to expect their deliveries.
- You don't have to check multiple systems to find one answer.
- Find all the answers you need in one place. Updated in real time.
- Implementation plan - in real time.
- Location of the cargo and the truck.
- Task status.
- Status of the truck or trailer.